Guest: Maxx Fenning | Empowering LGBTQ+ Youth Through Prism Florida
This insightful episode of the Richie & John podcast, hosted by Richie Roy and John McMullen, features an engaging interview with Maxx Fenning, the Executive Director of PRISM Florida, live from the 2025 National LGBTQ Task Force’s Creating Change Conference in Las Vegas. Fenning passionately discusses the organization's mission to expand access to LGBTQ-inclusive education and sexual health resources for youth in Florida. He dives into the political and social challenges surrounding LGBTQ rights in Florida, specifically touching on the implications of restricted access to educational resources. Fenning underscores the importance of supporting grassroots movements and young leaders in driving meaningful change. The conversation presents a powerful narrative of resilience and determination to create a more inclusive and informed society.
• PRISM Florida strives to provide critical health and educational resources to young people.
• Ongoing legislative challenges threaten access to LGBTQ-inclusive education in Florida.
• Over 50% of new STI cases in the U.S. occur among individuals aged 15-24.
• Effective change requires elevating young leaders and grassroots movements.
• Many Floridians face barriers in accessing necessary sexual health education.
• The national implications of Florida's restrictive laws and policies.
• Supporting local organizations helps sustain LGBTQ efforts in Florida.
• The role of digital media in bridging educational gaps amidst legislative setbacks.
#RichieAndJohnPodcast #LGBTQRights #EqualityFlorida #PRISMFlorida #MaxxFenning #JohnMcMullen #RichieRoy #LGBTQNews #MutualBroadcastingSystem #CreatingChange2025 #LGBTQAdvocacy #SocialJustice #InclusiveEducation #GrassrootsActivism #CommunityResilience #SafeSpaces #Advocacy #Equality #Empowerment #PodcastInterview